In order for the hand to grab something, it needs a working Grabbable component. Any rigidbody object can be grabbable, as long as the grabbable is added to or under a rigidbody object
must be connected to a rigidbody
Ignore weight
will apply a movement follower component (only while held) to simulate weightlessness
💡 Best when rigidbody mass is equal to that of hand (promotes stronger joint stability)
Maintain Grab Offset
will create an offset equal to the difference in position and rotation to the object on grab
Parent On Grab
will parent the grabbable to the Hand's PARENT on the grab. Should be true for any object you can pickup and carry away.
Joint Break Force
will determine the force needed to break the joint and the hand connection.
Grab Type
determines how the hand will pick this grabbable up
: grabbable will default to the grabbing hand’s settingHand to Grabbable
: hand will go to the grabbable and bring it back to the follow targetGrabbable to Hand
: grabbable will float to the handHand Type
which hands are allowed to grab (Both\Left\Right)