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The Place Point Component is a tool that allows for custom grabbable placement settings through a trigger collider

There are two main ways to manage what a place point will accept.

When determining which objects to accept, the place point will first check if the object being placed matches the "Match Target"

If the match target is empty, it will compare the names in the PlaceNames list to see if the object being placed's name contains any of the list parameters.

Programming Info

Place Points are also manageable though code with these functions

//Will accept a grabbable, if "CanPlace()" flag is cleared and nothing is currently place
placePoint.Place(Grabbable grabbable)

//Removes what is in it, if it matches the current placeObject
placePoint.Remove(Grabbable grabbable)

//Getter for the current place object in the place point -> returns null if none

//Getter for the current highlight object in the place point -> returns null if none

Connect Place Point events through a custom script

using UnityEngine;
using Autohand;

public class PlacePointEventTemplate : MonoBehaviour {
    public PlacePoint placePoint;

    void OnEnable() {
        placePoint.OnPlaceEvent += OnPlace;
        placePoint.OnRemoveEvent += OnPlace;
        placePoint.OnHighlightEvent += OnHighlight;
        placePoint.OnStopHighlightEvent += OnStopHighlight;

    private void OnDisable() {
        placePoint.OnPlaceEvent -= OnPlace;
        placePoint.OnRemoveEvent -= OnPlace;
        placePoint.OnHighlightEvent -= OnHighlight;
        placePoint.OnStopHighlightEvent -= OnStopHighlight;


    public void OnPlace(PlacePoint point, Grabbable grab) {
        //Stuff happens when placed

    public void OnRemove(PlacePoint point, Grabbable grab) {
        //Stuff happens when placed was removed

    public void OnHighlight(PlacePoint point, Grabbable grab) {
        //Stuff happens when placepoint was highlighted


    public void OnStopHighlight(PlacePoint point, Grabbable grab) {
        //Stuff happens when placepoint was done highlighting