Many of Auto Hand's components come with a "Controller Link" component, which is responsible for converting the controller input of your input package (XR, SteamVR, OVR, and OpenXR) into a function for the module.

Hand Controller Link

This script is responsible for calling the hands Grab, Release, Squeeze, and Unsqueeze functions


Grab axis is a legacy value which will take a trigger axis and set your hands grip accordingly (from 0-1), this system is old and a newer system has taken its place which allows for individual finger control through input

Seen here: Finger Benders โœŠ

Controller Events

Auto Hand includes a "controller event" component for each input system which will take an input value and call a public OnPress/OnRelease Unity Event

Screen Shot 2021-11-16 at 6.12.34 PM.png

Hand Tracking Input

For more information on hand tracking see this page

๐Ÿ––Hand Tracking