Oculus Quest - Hand Tracking Setup

After you have followed the ⚡Quick Start and downloaded OVR, you can find the Hand Tracking (Beta) scene in AutoHand/Examples/Scenes/Oculus Integration/(Beta) HandTracking

<aside> ‼️ As of Oculus Integration v34, to use Hand Tracking you need to switch to legacy Input.

You can do this through Oculus/Tools/OpenXR/Switch to Legacy

How to switch to legacy input for oculus hand tracking

How to switch to legacy input for oculus hand tracking


Make sure to enable Hand Tracking Support through Oculus for your hand tracking to work in your build


Hand Tracking Input Controller


Free fingers will allow fingers to move while holding an object

Grab Fingers Required will trigger grab when the included fingers are bent past the given amount, and release when any fingers are less than this value

By default grabbing will be triggered when the Index, Middle, and Ring finger are all more than half way bent

Requires OVR Skeleton and OVR Hand components

Custom Hand Tracking Event Component

Hand Tracking includes an event script which will call Press/Release


Hand Tracking / Controller Swapping

Found on the root of the Auto Hand Player Container in the Hand Tracking Scene

Found on the root of the Auto Hand Player Container in the Hand Tracking Scene

This component will automatically swap between the Hand Tracking and Controller input

It will take a "Tracking Follow" for hand tracking and controllers, this should be a transform under each HandAnchor which is offset to match your real life hand

It will also take scripts and gameobject to enable/disable between swapping.

In the demo, for example, when swapping to the controllers, the Hand Tracking Teleporter needs to be disabled and the Controller Teleport needs to be enabled, and visa versa.