<aside> 🗒️ Grabbable poses need to be saved in the scene and can then be overridden to prefab


<aside> 🗒️ Gizmos must be enabled to use the Editor Hand Pose Tool which is applied to each hand copy on the hand copy's creation

Editor Hand Tool


Tes Video.mov

<aside> ‼️ If you cannot see the save buttons, right-clicking the grabbable pose script in the inspector should reveal backup save buttons


Grabbable Pose

Good for simple custom poses that the automatic pose system has trouble producing, like a mug handle or holding a pen.

Grabbable Pose.PNG

Hand Pose Area

Useful for creating poses when a hand is near something


Grabbable Pose Advanced

Useful for objects that need to be grabbed across a strict line and/or radius, like a bat handle or a steering wheel.

Grabbable Pose Advanced.PNG

<aside> 💡 You can add as many poses to a grabbable as you want and the system will automatically pick the closest pose when grabbing


<aside> ❗ Hand's "Pose Index" value must match Pose's "Pose Index" value.

Saved Poses will only work with models that share the same root and transform setup (Pose Index useful for when using multiple different hand models)
